[mmaimcal] Re: subarrays

Harvey Liszt hliszt at nrao.edu
Fri Sep 10 12:10:17 EDT 1999

At what point in the installation are the hardware costs of subarraying

Am I wrong in assuming the costs are mostly concentrated at the
central location where the telescopes are commanded?  Or does the
issue of subarraying affect how we distribute the computing power
and other hardware in the array, i.e. making individual antenna 
installations more/less intelligent and less/more dependent on 
the central command and control facility?

How does the complexity of k subarrays scale with k?  Does most
of it accrue just from the difference between k = 2 and k = 1 
(the latter case being "all Alma all the time").

Will it be possible to avoid k > 2 subarraying if the Japanese 
contribution is inhomogeneous (or if ALMA is inhomogeneous?)?

regards, Harvey

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