[mmaimcal] FYI: ALMA/EU SAC members and their addresses

Al Wootten awootten at nrao.edu
Thu Nov 18 09:52:15 EST 1999

Bob forwarded the list of ALMA/EU SAC members, to which I have added email

ALMA/EU        Karl Menten, Chair (kmenten at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de),
               Roy Booth (roy at oso.chalmers.se),
               Malcolm Walmsley (mwalmsley at arcetri.astro.it),
               John Richer <J.S.Richer at mrao.cam.ac.uk>,
               Ewine van Dishoeck (ewine at strwchem.strw.leidenuniv.nl),
               Pierre Cox <cox at orion.ias.fr>,
               Arnold Benz (benz at astro.phys.ethz.ch),
               Jesus Martin-Pintado (martin at oan.es),
Ex Officio:    Stephane Guilloteau (guillote at iram.fr),
        Sec'y  Peter Shaver  (pshaver at eso.org)<p>
And for the US:
ALMA/US        Neal Evans, Chair (nje at astro.as.utexas.edu),
               Dick Crutcher (crutcher at astro.uiuc.edu), 
               Geoff Blake   (gab at csardas.gps.caltech.edu),
               Mark Gurwell  (mgurwell at cfa.harvard.edu), 
               Min Yun       (myun at NRAO.EDU), 
               Nick Scoville (nzs at astro.caltech.edu),
               Jack Welch    (welch at astron.Berkeley.EDU), 
               Chris Wilson  (wilson at physics.mcmaster.ca)
Ex Officio:    Al Wootten    (awootten at NRAO.EDU), 
               Darrel Emerson (demerson at nrao.edu)

We are attempting to find a compatible meeting date.  SAC meetings will be
closed, at least at first, to non-members.

Clear skies,
| Alwyn  Wootten   (http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~awootten/)	 |
| Project Scientist, Atacama Large Millimeter Array/US   |
| Astronomer, National Radio Astronomy Observatory       |        
| 520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475, USA |
| (804)-296-0329 voice             Help us build The ALMA|        
| (804)-296-0278 FAX               {>    {>    {>    {>  |

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