[mmaimcal] forwarded message from Robert Lucas

Al Wootten awootten at nrao.edu
Mon Nov 15 11:32:40 EST 1999

To ALMA science group members:

- A joint (Europe-US) Science Software Requirements (SSR) committee
has been formed.  The task of this committee is to prepare the
high-level scientific/operational requirements (as well as their
priorities) to be used as input to the Analysis and Design phase of
software development.  This committee will be advisory to the heads of
the Software Group (Brian Glendenning and Gianni Raffi).

- The first draft of the high-level requirements should be made
available for reviewing by late January, and a more final document
should de available in the third quarter of next year.

- It is obvious that this task has deep scientific implications for
ALMA.  We need to have an observatory-wide operations concept before
preparing detailed requirements for the software itself. We have
started working on a short document presenting an operational concept
for ALMA software. I put a draft on the web at:

All contributions from Alma scientists are naturally welcome.  You may
send comments and suggestions to me or better to alma-sw-ssr at eso.org,
an e-mail list we use for our discussions.  If you feel like
contributing to this work you're welcome to join that list (by e-mail
to majordomo at eso.org, include subscribe alma-sw-ssr in your message).

- The committee members are: 

Barry Clark (NRAO)              bclark at nrao.edu 
Mark Holdaway (NRAO):           mholdawa at nrao.edu
Steve Scott (OVRO):             scott at ovro.caltech.edu 
Mel Wright (Berkeley):          mwright at astro.berkeley.edu 
Jeff Mangum (NRAO)              jmangum at nrao.edu 
Robert Lucas (IRAM)             lucas at iram.fr               (chair)
Michael Olberg (OSO)            olberg at oso.chalmers.se
John Richer (MRAO)              jsr at mrao.cam.ac.uk
Peter Schilke (MPIFR)           schilke at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de 
Francois Viallefond (Paris)     fviallef at maat.obspm.fr 
Joe Schwarz (ESO)               jschwarz at eso.org

and, ex-officio:
Stephane Guilloteau (IRAM)      guillote at iram.fr
Al Wootten (NRAO)               awootten at nrao.edu

Brian Glendenning (NRAO)        bglenden at nrao.edu
Gianni Raffi(ESO)               graffi at eso.org 

Robert Lucas

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