[mmaimcal] rfp

Harvey Liszt hliszt at nrao.edu
Tue Mar 23 16:15:21 EST 1999

Well in the end I did exactly what I said I did not want to do and what
John Lugten said would be necessary.  The rfp was pretty silent on things
like a design lifetime (30years was cited in the context of fast switching)
or the amount of angle through which antennas would drive (again, 50,0000,000 
1.5degree back and forth fast-switching cycles was the only mention) or
stress reversal cycles.  So I took SRadford's 1 down-up-down cycle per hour 
for 30 years to get ~ 250,000 such cycles, which is nice because it puts the
antennas squarely in the middle of a good fatigue loading condition, and Peter 
and I added that 50,000,000deg to the other 150,000,000 deg and so on and
so forth.

regards, Harvey

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