[mmaimcal] MAC agenda

Mark Holdaway mholdawa at tuc.nrao.edu
Wed Mar 17 11:31:44 EST 1999

BIG agenda!
Just one comment:

While this in no way addresses the SCIENTIFIC REQUIREMENTS of a 30 GHz
band, MMA Memo 138 (Comparing MMA and VLA Capabilities in the 36-50 GHz
Band)  clearly states that the TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES of this band
would be unique for the MMA, in spite of the formal overlap with the VLA.  
The unique capabilities mainly come in the areas of speed of a wide field
survey, and reconstruction of large structure.  As frequency increases, it
becomes increasingly difficult to make a sensitive high resolution sky
survey; 30 GHz is still a reasonable frequency for such a survey with the

You may recall that the extragalactic group at the 1995 meeting
was more attached to the 30 GHz band than it was to, say, 115 GHz.


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