[mmaimcal] Re: Test Images (fwd)

Al Wootten awootten at nrao.edu
Fri Jun 18 14:17:18 EDT 1999

John Conway writes:
 >  I have a summer student working with me
 > over the next month who I plan to start doing some imaging 
 > simulations of ALMA arrays. 
 > I noted the following passage 
 > (below) from the recent MAC minutes  and wondered if we 
 > could  use copies of any of test images you are collecting 
 > - clearly if  several  people/groups are doing imaging simulations it
 > would  be useful as much as possible to use a standard set of test
 > images.
 > I have one or two test images I have been using (one made
 > from  one lobe of the Perley et al 6cm VLA Cygnus A map, another
 > a CO M51 map from Sussanne Aalto)  and I will gladly contribute   
 > these to any library that you are  being built up.
Hi, John

How interesting...we have been using the BIMA CO M51 map...at the meeting
in Tucson last week we discussed using the VLA Cas A map.  The BIMA folks
showed a lot of eye charts (you know, big E at the top...) but while we thought
that was useful for conveying ideas to a lay audience, a big E doesn't
resemble astronomical objects very much, SETI notwithstanding.

We will discuss this on Monday at the MMA..er...ALMA? Imaging and Calibration
Meeting.  I will post my summary of our discussion on this in Tucson last
week a little later (I left it on my computer at home).

So far, I haven't heard anything from the MAC but they are due to meet
next week.

Clear skies,
| Alwyn  Wootten   (http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~awootten/)	 |
| Project Scientist, The Millimeter Array                |
| Astronomer, National Radio Astronomy Observatory       |        
| 520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475, USA |
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