[mmaimcal] simmulation

Leonia Kogan lkogan at aoc.nrao.edu
Fri Jan 22 11:34:08 EST 1999

Hi Al,

I have provided comparing the optimal array(minimum sidelobes) with 
a not optimal one for two source classes. 

I simulated the UV data for the two array configuration using two sources' 
classes as a model. The simulation was done with different noise level.
In all cases the image was resrored by IMAGR and compared with model.

The image of optimal array is better in all considered cases.

I put the draft of MMA memo (mma_memo_simul.ps) in ftp public area under 

I'd like this result to be discussed in the group but I will not be at
the office the following monday. So it is up to you to discuss it this
monday or to postpone it until next monday.

Thank you


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