[mmaimcal] Info on 3 Sept meeting FYI

Al Wootten awootten at nrao.edu
Thu Sep 17 09:22:13 EDT 1998


 1.     Meeting took place at CNRS HQ in Paris on 3
September at 14.30 hrs.  It was preceded by a meeting of
the European participants.

   2.   The attendees were:

          H van Horn,   R Dickman,   R Eisenstein  (NSF)
          J-F Minster,   G Debouzy (France)
          A Freytag,   G E Morfill (Germany)
          H Butcher,   E van den Heuvel (Netherlands)
          H Grage (Denmark, Chairman of ESO Council)
          R Booth (Sweden)
          I F Corbett (UK)

 3.     NSF stated that within NSF's very wide remit the MMA
had high visibility and enjoyed considerable support.  It was
currently in a 3-year R&D phase, approved by the National
Science Board, which had started in June 1998.  The
objective was to complete prototype and evaluation work on
antennas, receivers etc and produce a detailed, fully costed
proposal, with milestones.

 4.     NSF stated that they are strongly interested in an
international project. The MMA project, costed at around
$230 million, was expected to have up to 75% US
participation.  A larger project with enhanced science goals
might see that reduced to ~50% but the US cash
contribution would likely remain unchanged.

 5.     Other details of the US design project and the
scientific case were presented.  The conviction that an
international partnership could benefit everyone, and that an
expanded project could enhance the scientific output, meant
that NSF was prepared to be flexible in securing such a
partnership.  However, if an international collaboration could
not be achieved NSF would seek to proceed with the US
national project.

 6.     The outcome of the European discussions that
morning was summarised:

the European countries represented were committed to the
project and gave it high priority in their various programmes;

they were also convinced of the advantages of making the
project 'global';

they recognised the excellent work already done by NRAO,
ESO and others;

a definitive European position cannot be communicated to
NSF until after the ESO Council has met on 15 September;

the project is also seen as having two phases; R&D work will
start in parallel with that of NRAO, the goal being to test US
and European prototypes on a similar timescale;

the Europeans are now working actively on an MoU for the
R&D first phase;

structures needed to implement the MoU will be set up
immediately; a European "Project Manager" and a Project
Scientist will be needed;

the Europeans believe that an overall project coordination
body is required and should be formalised under the MoU;

they would like to work with NSF/NRAO on an MoU to
embrace the whole project, starting with the R&D phase,
under a coordinated management; the goal is an MoU
between the European partners for the R&D phase by the
end of 1998, and a definitive MoU with the Americans by

they will work towards having the framework of a full MoU by
(for NSB and others), while recognising that it could take a
year or so longer to formalise funding and resolve detailed

 7.     As soon as a common position has been established,
the Europeans will write formally to NSF, setting out the
European position and proposing some follow-up actions.

 8.     NSF and the Europeans committed themselves to
work together to bring about the joint project.  NSF invited
the Europeans to meet with them in Washington towards the
end of 1998, when appropriate progress had been made in
establishing the overall European position and collaborative

 Dr Ian F Corbett
 14 September 1998

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