[mmaimcal] sources of noise

Harvey Liszt hliszt at nrao.edu
Wed Dec 23 17:21:01 EST 1998

> oops, oops, oops,
> I missed the boat, or missed the argument.  I think everything
> i said was true, but was sort of irrelevant.  (1/f, Mark,
> not sky fluctuations!)

Hm, a maestro in spite of himself.  I think the question of the sky
brightness fluctuations is separate but important because it is such
a broadband signal and perhaps non-trivially rapidly varying.  The
optical people of course deal with sky noise all the time and they
can circumvent it, but they don't try to switch it out in real time,
do they?

> So, i should have been asking: is the 1/f noise correlated over
> the frequency band?  Harvey says yes?
> Harvey:
> Yes, according to Bob Fruend, the Power goes like 1/f, so the
> rms goes like 1/sqrt(f), making it a VERY SLOWLY decreasing noise
> as you switch faster and faster.

I'm not the expert but I did think that the power went slower than 1/f
and the 1/f-rubric is a catchall for devices like these amplifiers.

regards, Harvey

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