[Gbtpipeline-announce] Disk space for pipeline use

Announcements related to the Green Bank Telescope pipeline. gbtpipeline-announce at listmgr.cv.nrao.edu
Wed Jan 15 09:05:09 EST 2014

Hello GBT Mapping Pipeline users,

   We are close to a full disk on arcturus.gb.nrao.edu.  Please clear 
space by removing any unnecessary files in 
/export/home/arcturus/scratch.  Also, I encourage you to use 
/lustre/pipeline/scratch/.  You have a lot more storage available there! 
  Let me know if you have any questions.

Happy pipelineing!

Joe Masters
GBT Pipeline Program Manager
Software Engineer
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
520 Edgemont Road,
Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475, USA

Tel: +1 434-244-6806
Fax: +1-434-296-0278
Email: jmasters at nrao.edu
Homepage: http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~jmasters

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