[fitswcs] Start of the WCS Paper III Public Comment Period

Patrick Wallace ptw at star.rl.ac.uk
Thu Oct 21 09:21:46 EDT 2004


A few comments on Paper III, almost all typographical, are appended.

Patrick Wallace
Starlink/HMNAO                                  Internet:  ptw at star.rl.ac.uk
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory                       Tel:    +44-1235-445372
Chilton, Didcot,                                     Fax:    +44-1235-446362
Oxon OX11 0QX, UK

* 2, after expression (2):  I can't parse the sentence "The zero
  transverse velocity case is shown..."  Is there a way of making it

* I saw both "Angstrom" and "\AAngstrom" in the text (i.e. not in
  quoted strings).  I suspect omitting the ring when spelling out
  the full name is better, unless you're prepared to go the whole
  hog and write \AAngstr\"om.

* 3.4.1, final paragraph:  in the sentence "That is not to say...in
  practice" change the comma and semicolon into --- ---.

* 3.4.4, first paragraph: in the sentence "These are fundamental...
  purpose", add a comma after "Paper~1".

* Bottom of that page:  change the comma in "algorithm codes," to a

* 5.1, final paragraph:  in "refraction effects which are naturally" I
  suspect that "that" is more correct than "which".

* 7, in "...are the sidereal time and the observatory location", get a
  cheap post-IAU-2000 veneer by adding "(or Earth rotation angle)" after
  "sidereal time".

* 10.2, in "rotation of the earth", capitalize "Earth" (matching "Sun"
  later in the same sentence).

* Reference to IERS TN 32:  missing umlauts.  The reference should read
  "Verlag des Bundesamts f\"ur Kartographie und Geod\"asie, Frankfurt am

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