[fitsbits] Output array type when BZERO is an integer {External}

Seaman, Robert Lewis - (rseaman) rseaman at arizona.edu
Tue Mar 12 12:58:34 EDT 2024

One cannot simultaneously discredit FITS as a modern standard while choosing not to implement its most modern features. In particular, the default lossless Rice compression and features like subtractive dithering in support of lossy compression are not particularly complex to implement.

If folks are truly motivated to revise the documentation, I’d suggest omitting editorial comments like Mark calls out.


On 3/12/24, 9:32 AM, "Mark Taylor" wrote:

On Mon, 11 Mar 2024, Seaman, Robert Lewis - (rseaman) via fitsbits wrote:

> Whether or not you review CFITSIO code, applications layered on your code versus on CFITSIO should interoperate. This is particularly true for tile compression (which your package should support).

The term "should" is obviously capable of a range of interpretations,
but note that Section 10 of FITS 4.0 says:

   "As implementation of compression/decompression codes can be quite
    complex, not all software for reading and writing FITS is
    necessarily expected to support these capabilities."


Mark Taylor  Astronomical Programmer  Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at bristol.ac.uk          https://www.star.bristol.ac.uk/mbt/
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