[fitsbits] results of IAUFWG vote on WCS timing paper

Lucio Chiappetti lucio at lambrate.inaf.it
Tue Jun 10 10:08:09 EDT 2014

The IAUFWG vote about the "WCS timing" paper draft "Representation of time 
coordinates in FITS' by Rots et al. has terminated with the following 

- there were 19 valid votes out of 23 IAUFWG members
- there were 17 yes and 2 abstain votes

Therefore according to the IAUWFG voting rules the proposal is approved.

Namely the prescriptive sections of the paper (sections 2,3,4 and 
Appendix A) are approved for incorporation in the FITS standard. However, 
since it is likely that the journal reviewer and editor may suggest some 
changes to the paper before publication, the approval is considered 
conditional on no major changes being made to the paper.  Minor editorial 
changes to the paper will be allowed, but if more substantial changes 
occur during the publication process, the IAU FWG will review those 
changes and possibly hold another vote to approve them, if necessary.

Until publication, the current 12 May 2014 draft (1.01) of this paper may 
be accessed review from Arnold Rots' web site at 
http://hea-www.cfa.harvard.edu/~arots/TimeWCS/ or at the bottom of the IAU 
Commission 5 wiki page "FITS WG current activity" 

Lucio Chiappetti on behalf of the IAU FITS Working Group

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