[fitsbits] INF/NAN as header values?

Tim Pearson tjp at astro.caltech.edu
Fri Jun 7 15:44:44 EDT 2013

On Jun 7, 2013, at 8:22 AM, Erik Bray wrote:

> I've had a few different issues reported against PyFITS lately regarding INF/NaN
> as values in FITS headers (that is, as float literals, without quotation marks
> around them).

I can think of no use-cases in which it would be appropriate for the value of a FITS header keyword to be Inf: perhaps someone else can? 

There are cases where the value NaN might be appropriate, but in such cases I think it must be better to indicate ignorance by omitting the keyword.

I understand that some programs, given bad data, may sometimes generate Inf or NaN for the value to be attached to a keyword. But this is a case of "garbage in, garbage out" and it doesn't really matter that the resulting file is invalid FITS: you are going to delete it anyway (I hope)!

So I do not think keyword-values Inf and NaN should be added to the FITS standard.

Incidentally, it would be nice if the already-great CFITSIO could be modified to make it impossible to write an invalid FITS file (i.e., one that fails FITSVERIFY), but perhaps that is an unreasonable request.



Timothy J. Pearson

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