[fitsbits] Questions about the 'REFERENC' keyword.

Randy Thompson rthomp at stsci.edu
Wed Jan 30 11:14:15 EST 2013

Hi Joe,
   I just wanted to point out that the FITS standard you referenced
at our web site archive.stsci.edu is for FITS Standard Version 2.0.
You can find the latest (version 3.0) at
I see there is more information on the REFERENC keyword in the latest


On 1/29/13 5:19 PM, "Joe Hourcle" <oneiros at grace.nascom.nasa.gov> wrote:

>I had some questions about the REFERENC keyword:
>	http://archive.stsci.edu/fits/fits_standard/node40.html#SECTION0094232000
>	REFERENC Keyword
>	The value field shall contain a character string citing a reference
>	where the data associated with the header are published.
>I could see a few different interpretations of this:
>	1. It's similar to the 'FITS Serialization' in VOTable, where you
>	   don't have the data attached, and can instead give a URL:
>	   http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/VOTable/20121205/votable.html#ToC36
>	   (although, in this case, I don't know if the URL would go to a
>	   complete FITS file, or the data portion without the HDU)
>	2. A URL to the archive or repository are available to
>	   download from
>	3. A reference (citation, URL, DOI or bibcode) to a published
>	   research article that uses the data.
>	4. A URL to a website with documentation on using the
>	   data
>So, question 1 : Which one is it intended to be used for?
>The only real-world examples that I've managed to find so far is
>WMAP LAMBDA, which seems to use it for a mix of 2, 3 & 4... but I don't
>know that it's valid to define it multiple times:
>	http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/map/dr5/templates_fitshdr.cfm
>And GOODS/FORS2, which gives a bibcode for the first results paper:
>	http://archive.eso.org/cms/eso-data/eso-data-products/data-submission/spe
>And question 2 is only partially related :
>As it doesn't seem to be used for use #1, is there some standard way of
>providing a complete HDU with some reference to data that's not attached?
>I have some scientists who would like to review if the data's what they
>want *before* they download really large files ... and I'd rather use
>something FITS HDU-like, so they hopefully don't have to modify their
>existing tools as much.
>Joe Hourcle
>Solar Data Analysis Center
>Goddard Space Flight Center
>fitsbits mailing list
>fitsbits at listmgr.cv.nrao.edu

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