[fitsbits] Start of the Green Bank Keyword Convention Comment Period

William Pence William.Pence at nasa.gov
Mon Oct 25 15:40:54 EDT 2010

Oh, I see.  You are referring to the Single Dish convention (SDFITS) 
which was developed at Green Bank.  Instead, I'm referring to the much 
simpler "Green Bank" convention, at 

I'm not proposing to close the public comment period on the SDFITS 
convention anytime soon because an off-line group of SDFITS users 
(including yourself) appears to be making some progress towards 
producing a more up-to-date description of the SDFITS convention.


Tom Kuiper wrote:
> William Pence wrote:
>> Can you be more explicit?  I only see one document listed on the Green 
>> Bank convention page.
> On http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/registry/sdfits.html
> under
> Full Documentation
> there are
> http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/registry/sdfits/sdfits.pdf, the 1995 draft by 
> Harvey Liszt
> and
> http://adswww.harvard.edu/abs/2000ASPC..216..243G by Bob Garwood.
> The former uses the keywords MAXIS, MAXIS1, ... to describe the data 
> structure whereas the latter uses the TDIM keyword which is now in 
> general use.  I think Garwood's paper is correct but Harvey's gives more 
> detail.  For that reason, someone not familiar with all the background 
> might use Harvey's paper as the definitive one thinking that Bob's is 
> just a short version of the same thing.
> Ideally, Harvey's paper would be modified to use the TDIM convention.  
> Also, I would like to see added to it the explanations of the keywords 
> and column names like those found in AIPS++ Memo 236 
> (http://aips2.nrao.edu/docs/notes/236/node14.html) or 
> https://safe.nrao.edu/wiki/bin/view/Main/SdfitsDetails.  But beware that 
> some core keywords were put in the shared category, which was probably a 
> mistake.
> Regards
> Tom

Dr. William Pence                       William.Pence at nasa.gov
NASA/GSFC Code 662       HEASARC        +1-301-286-4599 (voice)
Greenbelt MD 20771                      +1-301-286-1684 (fax)

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