[fitsbits] The Vatican adopts FITS

Malcolm J. Currie mjc at star.rl.ac.uk
Mon May 3 17:52:55 EDT 2010

> One project that seems like it might be of interest to the FITS, IVOA and 
> ADASS communities is CASPAR, the EU's Cultural, Artistic and Scientific 
> knowledge for Preservation, Access and Retrieval:
> 	http://www.casparpreserves.eu
> 	"How can digital data still be used and understood in the future when
> 	systems, software, and everyday knowledge continues to change?"

The CASPAR Project office is opposite mine.  It's Dave Giaretta's baby. 
Last week I forwarded to Dave the news of the Vatican's use of FITS for 
data preservation for comment...  See also Dave's paper in the ADASS 
XVII Proceedings, p.14.

Malcolm Currie

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