[fitsbits] Review of the FITS-IDI convention

William Pence William.Pence at nasa.gov
Mon Mar 22 13:36:45 EDT 2010

Somewhat belatedly on my part, here is an update on the status of the 
FITS Interferometry Data Interchange (FITS-IDI) Convention.  As you may 
recall, this convention was submitted to the Registry of FITS 
conventions (http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/fits_registry.html) in May 2009, 
and has been under public review since then.

As described below, Eric Greisen has revised the definition document of 
the IDI convention in response to the comments from Bill Cotton.  I have 
placed the revised document on the FITS Registry web page, along with a 
new "Comments and/or Critiques" link to all the comment that have been 
posted so far on  FITSBITS regarding this convention.

The public review period will remain open for a few more weeks in case 
there are any new comments about these revisions.

- Bill Pence


William Pence wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> I'm getting back to some unfinished FITS-related business, one of which 
> is to get the FITS-IDI convention (documented at 
> http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/fits_registry.html) moved from the "under 
> review" category into the "registered" category.  Before doing so, it 
> seems that some sort of response to the comments made by Bill Cotton 
> needs to be provided.  Are you planning to revise the document to 
> address his concerns?

I attach Bill's text with detailed comments and new PS and PDF versions.
The changes during the FITS-IDI comment period are shown in blue, those
between the early Flatters document and the present on in red.




I have revised the document, using blue color to represent changes
made during the IAU Committee period.  Bill's comments are precede by
a > and my answers follow each with no indentation.

I have also corrected more typographical errors.

>   - Sect 2.1.  Even after a decade, this really gets me torqued up.
>   The weight was intended to be just that - a relative weight and not a
>   patch for the VLBA's inability to do divisions.  This perversion of
>   the definition borders on making it useless.  There REALLY HAS to be
>   some way to convey relative weights.

A third weighting method was added (p 7) along with a keyword WEIGHTYP
in the UV_DATA header.  The keyword is optional with default the old
meaning for weights (p 16)

>  - sect 4.1.1 6th paragraph.  Shouldn't the RA and Dec be specified to
>  be those of the standard equinox and epoch?   If the coordinates are
>  given in the UV-DATA header, shouldn't the equinox and epoch also be
>  given?, there may not be a SOURCE table in this case.

The EQUINOX keyword is added as an optional keyword in the UV_DATA for
single-source data (p 13, 15, 16)

>  - Sect 5.2, ARRAY_GEOMETRY table, Mount type should also have a value
>  defined for an aperature array (as opposed to a steerable device).

Added (p 19)

>  - Sect. 6 ANTENNA table.
>     This really should include the antenna diameter as a number of
>  arrays are heterogenous.

The ARRAY_GEOMETRY table (p 18, 19) now includes an antenna diameter
The ANTENNA table contains a FWHM parameter with one value per band.

>     The polarization calibration parameterization may need to be
>  rethought with the upcoming wide band systems. A single calibration per
>  band may not be enough.

Indeed but beyond the scope of this manuscript.

>  - Sect 8.2 SOURCE table. This MUST include the epoch of the position as
>  well as the equinox. 

The EPOCH keyword has been added (p 23, 24)

>  Eq. 7 is wrong, the subtraction should be a division.

Yes (p 23)

>     "Source-specific frequency offset" paragraph:  the text should say
>  that these are the frequency offsets of the frequency of the reference
>  pixel and should be added to the "BANDFREQ" value from the FREQUENCY
>  table

Sentence added (p 23)

>     "RESTFREQ" paragraph.  This should state that this is the
>  rest frequency of the transition in that band.  It should also say
>  what to do if there are multiple transitions.

Clarifications added incl that there is no way for > 1 / band (p 24)

>     "Source positions" paragraph.  Does the VLBA really use 2000.0 or
>  1950.0 for sources with meaningful proper motions?

Worse - it uses EPOCH not EQUINOX for EQUINOXes - note added (p 24)

>     Footnote 4.If this is what the VLBA really does then this is REALLY
>  BAD.

In AIPS I have given up on apparent position columns and on input I
recompute them (not good for moving sources).  The EVLA UV-FITS output
has apparent positions precessed back to MJAD 0.

>  - Sect 16, BANDPASS table.  There is no provision for a parameterized
>  bandpass function.

Correct - sentences added to this effect (p 36).  My experience is
that it is bad to interpolate in the parametrization values and there
are way too many parameterizations possible.  Should BP tables be
written (and only LWA had tried), they should be expanded to the
simple form we can all understand and interpolate (in time) as nneded.

>  - Sect 17, CALIBRATION table.  The behavior of AIPS is not part of the
>  format definition.  However, I do agree with the sentiments you
>  express at the beginning.  The use of TSYS_n, TANT_n, SENSITIVITY_n
>  and PHASE_n are undefined and I can't think of a sensible use of them
>  in this context.  The text should spell out the usage of REAL_n,
>  IMAG_n, RATE_n and DELAY_n.
>     It's also not clear that this bilinear phase model is adequate for
>  wide bandwidths (may need higher order in delay) and/or high
>  frequencies (may need higher order in time).

I do not understand the remark about AIPS nor the remark about
bi-linear, neither are mentioned in the text.  I have left the
description of this table deliberately vague since I do not believe
that anyone has even considered implementing it.  A number of columns
in it make no sense to me in terms of how AIPS does calibration - the
Tsys, Tant, Sensitivity, and Phase columns make no sense to me.  The
latter 2 are also covered in the real and imaginary columns of the
gain.  A further remark about the uncertainties in this table was
added (p 38).

Eric Greisen

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