[fitsbits] question about WCS keywords for pixel list

Phil Hodge hodge at stsci.edu
Fri Sep 4 11:12:57 EDT 2009

According to Table 2 in WCS Paper I, all the keywords for the pixel list 
representation of an image include the table column number as part of 
the keyword name.  This description agrees with the example in Table 10 
of WCS Paper II.  It seems to me, however, that several of these 
keywords should include the world coordinate axis number rather than the 
column number.  I checked the "unofficial errata" for Papers I and II 
but didn't find any mention of this.

Consider the case of a time-tag table containing columns TIME, X, and Y, 
which are respectively the time when a photon was detected and the pixel 
coordinates in a 2-D image where it was detected.  To use a specific 
example, suppose the world coordinates are right ascension and 
declination.  The reference pixel keywords are TCRPX2 and TCRPX3, giving 
the column numbers of the X and Y columns.  But shouldn't the keywords 
for the world coordinates at the reference pixel be TCRVL1 and TCRVL2 
rather than TCRVL2 and TCRVL3 (and similarly for several other 
keywords)?  The WCS papers say the latter keywords are the ones to use, 
but it would be more consistent with the keywords for an image in the 
primary array if the former keywords were used.


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