[fitsbits] Viewing .fts flies

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Wed Mar 7 10:43:35 EST 2007

On Mar 6, 2007, at 9:14 AM, LC's NoSpam Newsreading account wrote:

> I generally use an extremely lightweight shell script (fitshead by
> Steve Allen of lick.ucsc.edu) for quick inspection of a FITS file.

You can also view the primary header using "less" in an 80 column  

> FITS files start with "SIMPLE  =                    T"

I've attached a "magic" file to use with the Unix "file" command.  If  
this doesn't make it through the mailing list, it's a one line file  
(tab separated fields, whitespace between "=" and "T" is significant):

0       string  SIMPLE  =                    T  THIS_IS_FITS

Rob Seaman

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