[fitsbits] Question(s) regarding development of proprietary FITS manipulation software. . .

Maren Purves m.purves at jach.hawaii.edu
Tue Jul 31 23:04:32 EDT 2007

gberz3 wrote:

> I'm currently working with a client that needs to manipulate FITS
> files.  However, they want a 100% proprietary solution.  They know the
> My question to the group is:  What librar(y/ies) would you all
> recommend for working with FITS files?  Currently I've been looking
> at  "http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/fitsio/fitsio.html".

sorry, can't help it, but to me 100% proprietary and using the
fitsio library are a contradiction in terms.


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