[fitsbits] Can't read AIPS FITS output

llrichter at gmail.com llrichter at gmail.com
Thu Jan 18 09:44:55 EST 2007


I've been writing some C programs to manipulate FITS files from AIPS,
usinf CFITSIO. I've been testing it on single channel FITS files from
AIPS and a simple test 6x6x3 data cube I created with fv (fitsviewer).

However, when I ran the code on a data cube exported from AIPS with
FITTP, it gives me errors:

phlr at kepler:~/PhD/programming$ ./FFTcorrel-3D cube1.fits cube2.fits
myout1.fits > out1

FITSIO status = 104: could not open the named file
failed to find or open the following file: (ffopen)

I also found I can't open these data cubes in fv, where it tells me
"File not found."

Does anyone know what the problem could be?

Thank you.


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