[fitsbits] Abuse of EXTEND keyword

Maren Purves m.purves at jach.hawaii.edu
Fri Aug 24 16:21:24 EDT 2007

William Thompson wrote:
> William Pence wrote:
>> This mention of the NEXTEND keyword caused me to rethink what is really 
>> meant by EXTEND = F:  EXTEND = T is defined to mean that the FITS file 
>> *is permitted* to have extensions following the primary array (the 
>> actually wording in the Standard is "may contain extensions" ); it does 
>> not mean that the file actually has any extensions.
>> If EXTEND = F, then this logically means the opposite, i.e., that the 
>> FITS file is *not permitted* to have any extensions.  But this is not 
>> the meaning that the STEREO mission folks really intended by setting 
>> EXTEND = F since they surely don't care if users were to add extensions 
>> to the files at a later date.
> We don't expect users to add extensions on their own.

this is going on the order of "I hate to say this, but":

I've come to expect that users don't really care what we expect.


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