[fitsbits] Proposed Changes to the FITS Standard

LC's NoSpam Newsreading account nospam at mi.iasf.cnr.it
Tue Aug 21 08:05:26 EDT 2007

On Sun, 19 Aug 2007, Rob Seaman wrote:

> change.  Duplicate keywords, on the other hand, are a frequent 
> occurrence (thus the interest in eliminating them :-)
> It seems to me that in this imperfect world it would be better if the 
> major FITS software packages adopted a coherent behavior on 
> encountering duplicate keywords.  A header with duplicate FITS 
> keywords is not a bug.  Currently, it is perfectly legal FITS, if 
> questionable practice.

Maybe the point is that the nature (usage ?) of most keyword (type)s is 
indeterminate (or unpredictable by whoever wrote the file ?) or at least 
oscillates between those two extreme cases :

 - a keyword is intended as a named resource to be mainly read by 
   software, maybe into a variable, and then be acted upon (all the
   mandatory and WCS keywords, those defined by specific conventions,

 - a keyword just records some information associated to a file, which
   is intended to be read by a human, but it is hardly relevant to any
   software (essentially "commentary" keywords).

If all commentary information would be written into commentary or 
"value-less" keywords (,, a generic reader will 
have no problems.

Talking about readers we can think of essentially two types of readers:

 - specific readers, which read only the keywords they know of 
   beforehand. They read them by name. They know beforehand they should
   correspond to a variable of a given type (integer, real, string...).
   They most likely search for a keyword of a given name (and probably
   stop at the first occurrence).

   But if they know of or expect a duplicated keyword may knowingly
   act in some predefined way (does anybody know such a beast ?)

 - all-purpose readers. I can imagine things like reading the entire 
   header into memory, or generating some data structure scanning the 
   entire header. I have for instance an IDL procedure which reads a 
   file into a structure with elements a.kwd1, a.kwd2 ... a.kwdn and 
   a.data (the data array).  Actually my procedure does not read FITS 
   file, but a format of my own (which can however be generated also 
   from FITS) ... and its relies on the (sound) idea that keywords have 
   unique names, because structure element names are built on the fly 
   from kwd names (so a.bitpix, a.naxis, a.bunit ...).

   In such a procedure duplicate kwds are a nuisance and trigger an
   error. In fact since my procedure skips COMMENTs (do not enters them
   in the structure at all), so it treats two particular keywords 
   (HISTORY and another non-FITS one)  as repeatable (in which cases
   it generates structure elements a.h0001, a.h0002 etc.) and fails
   in error in all other cases.

All these seemed to me reasonable sound practice, and this inspired the 
idea to forbid duplication of (named, non-commentary, non-valueless) 
keyword in FITS 3.0.

Given now that it seems there are more live FITS files which by purpose 
or accident (not error) contain duplicated keywords, we could probably 
demote the change from forbidding to strongly recommending against. 

But it is hard to define a preferred way to deal with duplicated kwds.
Unless we register alternate conventions which explicitly specify what 
the reader should do about duplicated keywords. E.g.

  DUPKWDS = 'none'       assures that the FITS file was written without
                         any duplicated keywords

  DUPKWDS = 'ignore'     (or 'comments') declares that duplicated 
                         keywords are of commentary nature, so they can 
                         be ignored by s/w or dealt with as HISTORY or 

  DUPKWDS = 'take_first' declare that only the first or last value
  DUPKWDS = 'take_last'  shall be considered

  DUPKWDS = 'concatenate' declare (string) values wanting to be 
                          concatenated (also numeric arrays ??)

Any other cases possible ?

But even with such conventions, we are still left with the problem of 
what a generic reader should do with (older or not) files not following 
any convention.

Lucio Chiappetti

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