[fitsbits] Proposed Changes to the FITS Standard

Thierry Forveille Thierry.Forveille at obs.ujf-grenoble.fr
Wed Aug 1 11:51:47 EDT 2007

> * p92: the discussion at the bottom should indicate that the diurnal
>  Doppler correction is only weakly dependent on position and therefore
>  great accuracy is not required.
Depends on the context, and on what's meant by "no great accuracy": it's
1 m/s for 7 arcsec (worst case position on the sky), so for planet 
searches we need arcsecond precision or so (our best precision is under
1 m/s, and we want some safety margin to keep that particular contribution
to the error budget negligible). Perhaps just give the 7" --> 1 m/s 
equivalence here and let readers make their own decision?

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