[fitsbits] INHERIT and Hierarchical Grouping

William Pence pence at milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov
Wed Apr 18 13:28:31 EDT 2007

Rob Seaman wrote:
>> Perhaps this EXTTYPE convention should be written up and submitted to
>> the Registry of conventions.  Even though this convention only  
>> defines a
>> single new keyword (EXTTYPE), it is a rather fundamental concept  
>> that is
>> relevant to many FITS files, and it also has implications on how the
>> reserved EXTNAME keyword should be used.
> Conventions should be documented, no matter how tersely.
> However, shouldn't this rather be pursued as an addition to the  
> standard itself?  One would hope that one effect of the new registry  
> would be to highlight proposals upon which consensus is already  
> high.  The checksum proposal could similarly move forward within the  
> standards process - if nobody has suggested an alternative in the  
> last decade, they aren't likely to do so now.

Submitting it to the convention registry is probably the quickest way to 
get the whole process started.  Once a convention is well documented and 
seems to have wide community support, the IAUFWG can then consider 
adding it to the Standard (going through the required approval process) 
if that seems desirable.

Dr. William Pence                       pence at milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov
NASA/GSFC Code 662       HEASARC        +1-301-286-4599 (voice)
Greenbelt MD 20771                      +1-301-286-1684 (fax)

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