[fitsbits] WAVE-TAB implementation

Tom Jarrett jarrett at ipac.caltech.edu
Tue Sep 6 14:06:30 EDT 2005

FITS Experts,
A new Spitzer data product will be appearing on the public shelves
later this fall.  It is a spectral cube constructed from IRS observations
of nearby galaxies (as part of the SINGS Legacy project).  We are using
the (relatively new) WAVE-TAB standard as defined in Greisen's FITS paper.
This is the first time that it has been attempted here at the Spitzer
Science Center (and IPAC), so we wanted to make sure that the implementation
is correct.  I would greatly appreciate it if someone out there has a look
at one of our cubes, checking out the FITS header and the
CTYPE3  = 'WAVE-TAB'           /Wavelength
definition.  Please let me know if you find a problem or potential
problem with what we have done.  Here is the sample, it is a spectral map
of the nucleus of NGC 3265.  This data will be available for public consumption in


On a related note, we were wondering how the DS9 development is coming along
with respect to the WAVE-TAB standard.  Might we see a version of DS9 that handles
the wavelength table information?

Many thanks for you help, -tom

Dr. Thomas Jarrett                              phone: (626)395-1844
IPAC/Caltech, Pasadena, CA                       fax: (626) 397-7018
jarrett at ipac.caltech.edu   http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/jarrett

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