[fitsbits] Re: [fitswcs] WCSLIB 3.3

David Berry dsb at ast.man.ac.uk
Thu Oct 23 11:56:08 EDT 2003

On Wed, 22 Oct 2003, Stephen Walton wrote:

> Mark's announcement of WCSLIB 3.3 reminds me to ask a generic question
> about an issue I'm sure others have faced:  how best to switch from an
> IRAF environment to a CFITSIO/WCSLIB one.  While IRAF has served us well
> for 15 years, I don't see a huge effort being undertaken to bring its
> WCS library in compliance with the standard, nor to support other map
> projections beyond those already in place.  As a solar astronomer I have
> other needs :-) .
> Most of my code is in Fortran, with just a few SPP "wrapper" main
> programs to get access to some of the IRAF IMIO routines.

You may be interested in the AST library which provides a high level
interface for reading, writing, modifying and plotting generalised WCS
information (including FITS-WCS of various flavours). It is callable
from Fortran, C and (via JNI) from Java. See:



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