[fitsbits] Re: Axis units

Eric Greisen egreisen at NRAO.EDU
Mon Jan 28 10:19:01 EST 2002

Bob Garwood writes:
 > Just because at some point in the single dish FITS convention development 
 > someone realized there was a need for such a keyword doesn't necessarily 
 > mean that CUNITn is something everyone can agree on.  Obviously I 
 > personally think its a reasonable keyword and that there is a need for such 
 > a keyword, but since it hasn't been widely discussed, I think it would be 
 > useful to talk about such a keyword.  So, even though Tom says "never 
 > mind", I think it would be useful to read what anyone would have written 
 > had he not said that.

CUNITn is extensively discussed in the Paper I of the WCS and has been
in the drafts for several years.  There is also a section on what the
contents of the keyword should be that, remarkably, is an accepted
compromise between the two groups that had major conventions before I
tried to write that section.  See


for links to the 3 papers in their present proposed form.

Eric Greisen

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