[fitsbits] Inheritence diagram for FITS HDUs

Paul Barrett Barrett at STScI.Edu
Thu Feb 21 17:47:03 EST 2002

Does anyone know of or have an inheritence diagram for FITS HDUs?  For example, 
the following is a first cut at such a diagram, but neglects the fact that a 
conforming extension can contain either image and record (binary table) data.

BaseHDU                    ExtensionHDU          CorruptedHDU
    |                            |
    |                  --------------------
PrimaryHDU           |                    |
    |          ConformingExtHDU     NonConformingHDU
    |                 |
GroupsHDU            |
         |            |             |
    ImageExtHDU  TableExtHDU  BinTableExtHDU

For those of us who do object-oriented programming, this would be a big help.

  -- Paul

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