[fitsbits] Need extract analyze OSSE daily data!

Askar Ibragimov askar at ksu.ru
Wed May 23 14:05:22 EDT 2001

Hello All,

I have such a problem. In Heasarc archive I can obtain data from OSSE,
an instrument from CGRO satellite.
But they have in archive spectrum files, prepared for XSPEC, only for
ENTIRE observations.
Additionnaly, there can be found a fits files with DAILY spectra. 
Documentation says, that I can extract these spectra from  fits only
by VAX/VMS tool
Igore. Have anyone a tool to extract from FITS file OSSE daily
spectra, running
on any UNIX platform? 

I need any helpful information related to this context,

Thank you,
Askar Ibragimov
askar at ksu.ru

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