[fitsbits] FIT Keyword data dictionaries

Tom Kuiper kuiper at dsnra.jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Nov 2 11:59:17 EST 2000

> Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 16:42:41 +0000 (GMT)
> From: Peter Bunclark <psb at ast.cam.ac.uk>
> To: Tom Kuiper <kuiper at dsnra.jpl.nasa.gov>
> cc: fitsbits at cv.nrao.edu
> Subject: Re: [fitsbits] FIT Keyword data dictionaries
> The G & A are a good idea, but it does seem to me a shame to use up
> all that bandwidth with the word SITE!  Also, a site is a large,
> ill-defined area and for many purposes you want to be sure it refers to
> the instrument; otherwise some software engineer will use the generic
> site latitute and longitude for all telescopes on some site.
> So perhaps something like GLONGITU etc.?
I agree, but what is ITU? (Presumably not International Telecommunications
Union.)  Oh, I got it: GLONGITU and GLATITUD! But then is the "bandwidth" being used to convey more information? How about TELxLON and G TELxLAT (x = A | G)?
TEL is nicely obvious as the phase centre of an array too.

B.t.w., how do we establish a standard if we achieve concurrence?



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