[fitsbits] Re: Batch processing tool for converting .fit format to .jpg/.gif/.bmp

HAAKE Philippe beruberu at NOSSSPAMwebshuttle.ch
Sun Mar 12 05:50:55 EST 2000

On Sun, 12 Mar 2000 01:03:35 -0800, "Rob Christensen"
<rob at redorbit.com> wrote:

>Can anyone recommend a tool that allows you to convert
>files from the .fit format to a normal graphic type like gif/jpg/bmp?
>I need to convert several hundred .fit files to a web safe format.
>I don't have a lot of time to get this done so a commercial solution
>(if it's easier to use) is perfectly fine but I just don't know what's
>out there. Please email me with your response
>robc24 at pacbell.net
have a look at a freeware QcamCopy 
at http://www.astrosurf.org/mercure/astropc/qcam/programme.html
it should help you.... I hope so
Have also a look at http://www.stargazing.net/astropc/index.html

I will ask Patrick Chevalley who made this freeware if he has a better
Good luck

Best Greetings From SWITZERLAND
ICQ 3128404
beruberu at NOSSPAMwebshuttle.ch

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