[fitsbits] Re: Windows FITS viewer / data extraction

George Dishman george at briar.demon.co.uk
Sun Dec 17 08:20:16 EST 2000

"Nigel Eke" <nigel.eke at bcs.org.uk> wrote in message news:xz1%5.10447$T%5.160768 at news6-win.server.ntlworld.com...
> George Dishman <george at briar.demon.co.uk> wrote
> > I'm a Fits newbie looking for some basic advice. Do you have a
> > faq - I couldn't find one on rtfm?
> If you go to my website (minddata - below), follow the "QuickLinks" (from
> the LH menu) and there are two further links to the FITS support centre and
> All the best,

Thanks for the quick response. I downloaded FV from the HEASARC
and that works fine.

Best regards

P.s. I had already found the FITS support centre on a web search
but on the news page it says:

 "1999 April 9
    All versions and copies of the FITS Support Office Software
    (FPCT and HEADLIST) have been taken out of service"
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