Help: FITSIO on Linux

William Pence pence at
Tue Jul 27 17:33:13 EDT 1999

Jason Harris wrote:
> I am trying to use the FITSIO library (fortran version) under Linux
> (RH6.0).  Whenever I try to open a FITS image, I get an end of file
> error message in the subroutione ftread.f
> I know the FITS image is OK, b/c I opened it in ximtool no problem
> (also, I used 3 different FITS images of different origins).
> Does this sound familiar to anyone?

If an EOF error occurs it will always happen in the ftread routine since that
is the routine that reads records from the file.  Typically this means the
program is trying to move to a nonexistent extension in the file, or the file
is corrupted some how.  Send me more details and I'll try to help:
    What is the size of the FITS file in bytes?
    What are the BITPIX, NAXIS, and NAXISn keyword values?
    What is the program doing when it returns this error?

Also, another simple thing to check is that the input status value = 0 in the
routine that is returning the error, and print out any messages on the FITSIO
error message stack, which might provide more clues.

-Bill Pence
Dr. William Pence                          pence at
NASA/GSFC Code 662         HEASARC         +1-301-286-4599 (voice)     
Greenbelt MD 20771                         +1-301-286-1684 (fax)

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