Free visualization software

Juan Cabanela juan at
Sun Aug 29 15:31:48 EDT 1999

In article <7qbe55$91l at>, "Spamfree"
<Spamfree at> wrote:

>Beautiful.  Yet more commercial spam.  Can't these turlingdromes understand
>that the world was not intended to be one huge advertisement?
>But then again - what would you expect from a government employee?

Well, apparently a lot more than I can expect from you.  If you had taken
a moment before issuing your anti-spam diatribe, you would have realized
your attack was uncalled for.  

The WebWinds groups doesn't produce commercial software, but rather they
distribute FREE platform-independent visualization software useful to
astronomers (which is why NASA's government employees are involved) and
other scientists (explaining the message's placement in certain newsgroups
for sciences where visualization is important).  The software handles,
among other image formats, FITS images, explaining its placement in the
sci.astro.fits group.  All in all, the message was well targeted to those
groups who may have an interest in obtaining this FREE tool.

The message was not spam and your attack on the WebWinds group is uncalled
for.  They provide a free service to those of us who can use the
visualization "Spamfree", until you contribue something of
comparable value to the community, I suggest you crawl back to the hole
you came out.

Juan Cabanela
(Astronomer Who Plans to Use WebWinds)

And the useful addresses to report all that junk mail to:
fraudinfo at (general frauds), pyramid at  (MLM stuff)
enforcement at  (investment fraud), jccheezum at (chain letters)
net-abuse at (to report MMF senders as possible tax cheats) 

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