Version 100-2.0 of NASA FITS Standard released

Doug Mink dmink at
Tue Apr 27 09:15:49 EDT 1999

Eric Greisen wrote:
>     The real problem is the word "deprecate" itself.  That word
> has been given a meaning by the ANSI which has been used then
> with Fortran and other languages (at least).  The word means
> that the deprecated feature will be no longer supported at
> som> future date.  I suspect that we cannot use an arbitrary
> definition of the word which we make up and spell out.  The
> word has a meaning to the standards business and we do not
> mean that meaning.  I think we should find a new word. The
> problem is that I do not know what that word is.  Does anyone
> anywhere have a suggestion?

I second Lucio's "use is discouraged".  As an archival standard,
FITS *has* to continue to support every past legal format and
keyword.  The standard can also note that use of binary tables
format instead of random groups is encouraged for new projects.

-Doug Mink

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