I am looking for FITS files where BITPIX = 32 and NAXIS = 2

Juan Jose Garcia Adeva jgadeva at jet.uk
Tue Jul 14 11:12:23 EDT 1998


I am using the FITS format in a project, but I only need to support
files with BITPIX = 32 and NAXIS = 2. I have written some software to
manage this range of files, but I cannot find any example in
http://www.cv.nrao.edu/fits/data/samples. So please, if you have some
FITS files which match this criteria, send them to me, or send me the
address where I can get them. Thanks a lot,


| Juan Jose Garcia Adeva      | mailto:jgadeva at jet.uk                |
| Experimental Division II    | Personal Home Page:                  |
| JET Joint Undertaking       |  http://www.wavenet.co.uk/users/jjga |
| Abingdon                    | Company Web Site:                    |
| Oxfordshire OX14 3EA        |  http://www.jet.uk                   |
| United Kingdom              | Phone: +44-1235-464490               |

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