
Philippe Martinole martinol at
Mon Jan 26 04:14:06 EST 1998

CcdBazar wrote:
> FitsAnimator is a freeware that converts your
> Fits images directly to animated Gif !!!
> Philippe.

I'm the programmer of the freeware Fits Animator.

It's very kind of my friend Philippe to speak
of Fits Animator in this ng but some things
have to be said.

Fits Animator loads images in three formats :
- The Cpa used by the PAP
- The Pic used by Qmips32
- The Fits format

With the Pic and the Cpa, there is no problem
because the thresholds choosen by the observer
are saved in the file with the image.
With most Fits Images, you can adjust the
thresholds in Fits Animator but it will be
less user friendly.
The french programs for amateurs (PAP,Qmips32 
and AIM) use the keywords THRESH and THRESL in
Fits files to save the thresholds.

Hope Fits Animator will be usefull.


Ccd Bazar              :
Pises Atlas - Prism 97 :
Page Web d'AIM         :

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