Raw data to FITS

Bernd Nies bernd.nies at astroinfo.org
Wed Aug 26 14:42:56 EDT 1998


Is there somewhere a little command line program
that converts an input file with a raw binary data stream 
into FITS format?

I know the 'convert' program from ImageMagick but this
does only convert 8 bit grayscale or 3x8 bit RGB files.

Input file description:

Simple uncompressed binary data stream from a CCD.
pixel organization on CCD:
	| yz012345 |
	| qrstuvwx |
	| ijklmnop |
	| abcdefgh |

and written into raw data file:
| abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345 |

one pixel data: 
- 16 bit (or less)
  unsigned short Intel (little endian)
  or Motorola (big endian) syntax.

The program should run under Linux.

Does someone already know a little program that
does this job? If not I would write a Perl script
for this.


_____ | | ___________________________________________
\__  \| | Bernd Nies         bernd.nies at astroinfo.org
 / __ \\| Chindismuelistr.6  http://www.astroinfo.org
(____  /_ CH-8626 Ottikon    

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