Comment on draft FITS standard revision 1.2

Don Wells dwells at
Wed Apr 22 09:53:58 EDT 1998

Steve Allen writes:
 > .. Appendix A
 > I can't say thanks enough to those who worked out the BNF.  With this
 > it looks like Don Wells might simply write a one or two page RFC
 > proposing the FITS MIME types and incorporate NOST 100-1.2 by
 > reference..

I do intend ask IAU-FWG to approve filing for MIME [Multipurpose
Internet Mail Extensions] content-type codes after NOST 100-1.2 is
approved by NOST and by the FITS committees.  As you suggest, the
application will probably consist of a formal Internet RFC
[Request-For-Comments], which will reference our standards document
and summarize it tersely.  This approach will be required because FITS
should get top-level codes (probably 'image/fits',
'application/fits-image', 'application/fits-table' and
'application/fits-group'), and IANA [Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority] requires a published RFC to get such codes assigned.

-Don Wells [Chair, IAU-FWG]
  Donald C. Wells         Associate Scientist         dwells at
  National Radio Astronomy Observatory                +1-804-296-0277
  520 Edgemont Road,   Charlottesville, Virginia       22903-2475 USA

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