FITS I/O classes for GSC viewer

Nicolas Devillard ndevilla at
Tue Feb 25 07:45:45 EST 1997

On Tue, 25 Feb 1997, octavi wrote:
> Does anybody know some classes for Visual C++ able to read and write
> this kind of image format?

About the FITS format itself, check:
FITS archive at NRAO
Contains many links to FITS software.

AIPS develops and distributes C++ classes to read/write/handle FITS
format, the source code is available here:

Even better: an ANSI C library to do exactly the same, check out:
FITSIO home page

If you are looking for basic sets of functionalities to work with FITS
files, here are 2 software sets which may help:

FTOOLS: a general package of software to manipulate FITS files

ECLIPSE: ESO C Library for an Image Processing Environment

> Or, even better, does anybody know some
> source code that could help me into develop this GSC viewer.

Check out the StarCat home page:

Hope it helps,
/\                                                                   \
\_| Nicolas Devillard               |    E-mail:  nDevil at      |
  | European Southern Observatory,  | |
  | Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2,      |    Phone:  +49 89 320-06-340    |
  | D-85748 Garching, Germany       |    Fax  :  +49 89 320-06-358    |
  |   ________________________________________________________________|_

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