wcstools: Segmentation faults with Linux

Bringfried Stecklum stecklum at tls-tautenburg.de
Thu Feb 20 04:09:08 EST 1997

I downloaded wcstools-1.2.2 and compiled them under linux-pre2.0.4.
Compilation went fine (with both supplied makefiles) but various
routines (e.g. imgsc, imsize) end up with segmentation faults when
applied to different FITS files.

Any suggestion to circumvent the problem?


|  Bringfried Stecklum                                   |
|  stecklum at tls-tautenburg.de                            |
|  Th"uringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg                |
|  Sternwarte 5                                          |
|  D - 07778 Tautenburg                                  |
|  Phone: +49-36427-863-54                               |
|  FAX: +49-36427-863-29                                 |
|  mailto://stecklum@tls-tautenburg.de                   |
|  http://www.astro.uni-jena.de/Users/stecklum           |

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