FITS keywords and the year 2000 problem

William T.(Tom) Bridgman bridgman at
Tue Aug 5 11:24:04 EDT 1997

We've been examining a number of our FITS file generators and are 
concerned about possible Y2K problems in our archived FITS files.

The NOST standard seems to restrict the DATE and DATE-OBS keywords to 
dd/mm/yy format for generating human-readable dates.  We often utilize 
other date formats (yyyy.ddd and TJD) with mission-defined keywords 
which avoid this problem but we are still concerned.  

Naturally, we could also define additional keywords to produce 
alternative human-readable dates in dd/mm/yyyy format but we're 
wondering if there are plans to appropriately update the standards.

Tom Bridgman                             bridgman at
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center         301-286-1346
Code 660.1
Greenbelt, MD 20771

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