eclipse version 1.3 released

Nicolas Devillard ndevilla at
Thu Apr 3 03:45:05 EST 1997

                 eclipse version 1.3 released

eclipse (ESO C Library for an Image Processing Software Environment)
version 1.3 has just been released. It is available at the following

 master site in Munich, Germany:
 mirror site in Grenoble, France:
eclipse is an ANSI C library for astronomical image processing. It has
been designed having a pipeline approach in mind, to reduce on-line data
taken with the Adaptive Optics system on use on the 3.6m ESO telescope

It offers a set of functionalities to deal with FITS images and data
cubes, such as: pixel gain map creation, dead pixel detection and 
correction, simple data classification from FITS information, 
sky-substraction and flat-field division, shift-and-add, data extraction 
and merging, statistics computation, cube arithmetic, spatial filtering, 
Fourier transform, image resampling, ...

It covers basically all preprocessing stages for astronomical data
reduction in imaging mode. It is fast, portable, and is an on-line
complement to data processing environements such as MIDAS, IRAF, and

Version 1.3 includes functionalities to deal with Fabry-Perot data
analysis, more utilities should be released during next months.

N. Devillard
/\                                                                   \
\_| Nicolas Devillard               |    E-mail:  nDevil at      |
  | European Southern Observatory,  | |
  | Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2,      |    Phone:  +49 89 320-06-340    |
  | D-85748 Garching, Germany       |    Fax  :  +49 89 320-06-358    |
  |   ________________________________________________________________|_

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