New astronomical software: ECLIPSE

Nicolas Devillard ndevilla at
Wed Oct 2 10:41:32 EDT 1996

A new astronomy oriented image processing software has just been released 
by the European Southern Observatory: ECLIPSE.

Originally aimed at processing data issued from Adonis, the Adaptive 
Optics instrument in use on the ESO 3.6 telescope, ECLIPSE can be used to 
process FITS data cubes from any kind of infra-red instrument. This tool 
is written in stand-alone ANSI C, and can be included in any standard 
data processing software.

Provided functionalities are:

       FITS file format handling 

         FITS header display 
         FITS header output to text files (for edition) 
         FITS header transfer between FITS files 
         FITS header copy from text file to FITS file 
         FITS header checking and update to standard format 

       Image processing standard features 

     All these processings can be applied to all single planes in a FITS 
     data cube. 

         Image spatial filtering (linear or morphological) 
         Image warping (deformation + resampling) 
         Pixel interpolation 
         Image basic arithmetic (+ - x / pow log exp) 
         Image normalization, threshold, absolute value 
         Image FFT 
         Pattern image generation 
         Image statistics extraction 

       Data cube manipulation 

         Plane, cube, pattern, or quadrant extraction from a cube 
         Cube concatenation 
         Cube averaging to one image 

       Astronomical data reduction features 

         Shift and add 
         Correlated noise removal 
         Image selection 
         Weighted averaging 
         3-colour image combination 
         Dead pixel detection/correction 
         Linear gain map creation 

All these functions are provided as a C library, a set of Unix commands 
to call them, and C-shell scripts to perform pipe-line reductions. A 
user's manual and manual pages are also provided. 

Have a look at

This software package is distributed under the GNU general public 

/\                                                                     \
\_| Nicolas Devillard               |    E-mail:  nDevil at        |
  | European Southern Observatory,  |   |
  | Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2,      |    Phone:  +49 89 320-06-340      |
  | D-85748 Garching, Germany       |    Fax  :  +49 89 320-06-358      |
  |   __________________________________________________________________|_

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