A Java-based client-side FITS Browser

Xinjian Lu xlu at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Tue Mar 26 18:06:43 EST 1996

A Java-based implementation of a FITS browser is a work in progress and
we welcome you to try out what we have and to give us your comments.

Currently our prototype browser has the following features: 

     .it uses a java applet to display images from within a file in a
new frame, including animation of the planes from 3-D images. 
     .it displays summary information (or a full fits header) from a
FITS file. 
     .it converts a FITS ascii or binary table into an HTML table. 
     .it displays the original data in a separate frame when draging a
mouse over the image . 

Please try our web page at:

Any comments, questions and bugs related to this FITS Browser could  be
sent to me.

	Email: xlu at ncsa.uiuc.edu(Xinjian Lu)

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