Peter Bunclark
psb at
Fri Jun 28 10:21:55 EDT 1996
Time for a summary. My original message was to ask for something to
be done about the lack of a century in the DATE-OBS format. I pointed out
that the problem has been current for some time, since we already really do
produce FITS tapes of date spanning more than a century.
My suggestions of DATEOBS and CENT-OBS were only ideas, not strong proposals.
Guy Rixon doesn't like those DATEOBS and suggests DATEFULL or DATELONG
Rob Seaman came up with a bunch from the WCS discussion:
DATE_OBS = 1995-11-16T21:21:15.721Z
but he suggests extending DATE-OBS to allow a 4-digit year.
Mike Corcoran doesn't want to mess with DATE-OBS and suggests adding YEAR-OBS.
Steve Allen expands the quest to timescales both longer and shorter than
my original ideasr, and he goes over the argument for MJD-OBS being
definitive but not human-readable.
Guy then suggests standardizing on MJD-OBS and throwing away DATE-OBS.
Preben Grosbol comes in with general agreement, and promises to post the
ISO 8601:1988/1991 general time format. Preben next argues not to violate
the original DATE-OBS, nor even the DATE... format and suggests OBS-DATE.
Frank Valdes comes in with the assurance that by 2000 old FITS readers
can be modified where necessary. He supports both MJD-OBS and a human-
readable ISO date.
Rob then returns, disagreeing with Prebeb by saying that of course we
can alter the definition of DATE-OBS, and points out one of the
shortcomings of Wells et al (1981) (PAPER ONE).
In conclusion, we all agree there is a problem to be fixed, but not on
much else. I would like to add some further points:
1) PAPER ONE did contain a few howlers (EPOCH being the most celebrated),
and so cannot be considered inviolate. The phrase "the form 'dd/mm/yy'
(which is as good a system as any of the others)" is not only incredibly
flippant in the context, but quite inaccurate. We've been discussing at
length the problem of a 2-digit year; also, the slashes are redundant,
the day-month-year order is confusing to Americans (easily done),
and the order is little-endian.
2) I would deprecate DATE-OBS from 1/1/2000; if FITS writers leave it out,
then old FITS readers won't misinterpret it.
3) DATE-OBS = 'dd/mm/yyyy' is going to cause a lot of grief to old
software. And much of this old software is sitting on old systems
in operational situations and nobody dares touch it...
4) I feel strongly the proposed new format should be most-significant
first; it is convenient in many situations to be able to do a
meaningful sort on the ascii collating sequence.
5) I feel strongly about the FITS standard, despite its various shortcomings
(8-character keywords is my favourite, right up there with the lack
of an unsigned data-type). However, we're about to write a new
FITS writer for a major observatory (ING La Palma) and will not
let it out with the century ambiguity outstanding; any chance
of reaching a consensus here?
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