[evlatests] lando replacement

Bill Sahr bsahr at nrao.edu
Mon Sep 30 20:05:51 EDT 2013

The replacement of the database server named lando by the
server currently known as lando-new is still planned for
the double maintenance day that falls on Tue-Wed, Oct 15-16.

It is possible that some of the less intrusive work may
be done earlier.

With this change the names "lando-new" and
"lando-new.evla.nrao.edu" will disappear from our network.

Any/all programs, scripts, etc that reference the name
"lando-new" must be changed.

If one uses the available aliases (CNAMEs), the changes can be
made now, and no future changes should be necessary.

The available aliases are:

Will always point to the system currently hosting the production
version of the evla parameters dbase.

Will always point to the system hosting the production version of
the evla antenna monitor data archive.  evlampts is to be preferred
over evlampt.

Will always point to the system hosting the production version of
the widar correlator monitor data archive.

During the changeover both lando & lando-new and all of the databases
on these two systems, including evlaparm (the EVLA parameters dbase),
evlampts (EVLA monitor data), & widarmpts (WIDAR correlator monitor
data) will be unavailable.

There are backup/standby versions for all of these databases.  There is
a backup version of evlaparm on r2d2 (a.k.a mcstdbydb), monstdby on
r2d2, the last Oracle holdout, is the backup for evla monitor data, and
there is a duplicate of widarmpts on the machine named mcsql.

If you have any questions or wish to raise any issues please contact
either me, Bill Sahr, or Daniel Lyons.

Thank you.

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