[evlatests] New Version of EVLA Bandpass Plotter Tool

Keith Morris kmorris at nrao.edu
Wed Jan 2 18:55:57 EST 2013

Todd Hunter has released a new version of the (formerly Brisken) EVLA
Bandpass Plotter Tool.  Please use this version, particularly for 3-bit
and 4/P-band plotting.



Changes in this version:

1. Corrects sky frequency for 3-bit spectra
2. Corrects IF labeling for 3-bit spectra
3. Adds L302-3 and L302-4 frequencies to 3-bit spectra headers
4. Corrects total power readbacks for 3-bit IFs A2C2 and B2D2
5. Corrects sky frequency for 4/P spectra
6. Corrects receiver serial number readback for all receivers.

Keith Morris
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
1003 Lopezville Rd.
Socorro, NM 87801
575-835-7060 (phone)
575-835-7027 (fax)

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